Ju Ju

Albrecht Glitz

Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Business
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jaume I Building
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona, Spain

Office: 20.2E02
Tel:  (+34) 93 542 2757
Fax: (+34) 93 542 1746


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Albrecht Glitz

Research Interests

Labour Economics, Economics of Immigration, Economics of Espionage

Curriculum Vitae

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Work in Progress

The Geography of Refugee Shocks
with Lukas Hörnig, Konstantin Körner and Joan Monras.
November 2024. [ abstract ]

with Milan Quentel and Sekou Keita.
November 2024. [ abstract ]

Economic Espionage and Firm Outcomes
with Adrian Lerche and Lukas Mergele.
October 2024. [ abstract ]
New draft coming soon!

Immigration, Inequality and Income Taxes
with Mirjam Bächli.
December 2024. [ abstract ] [ paper ]
R&R at the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants
with Christoph Albert and Joan Llull.
June 2022. [ abstract ] [ paper ]
R&R at the American Economic Review

Journal Publications

Introduction to the Labour Economics Special Issue on Immigration Economics
with Hillel Rapoport.
Labour Economics, Vol. 87, 102513, 2024. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Learning Through Coworker Referrals
with Rune Vejlin.
Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 42, pp. 37-71, 2021. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Skill Premiums and the Supply of Young Workers in Germany
with Daniel Wissmann.
Labour Economics, Vol. 72, 102034, 2021. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Occupational Recognition and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes
with Herbert Brücker, Adrian Lerche and Agnese Romiti.
Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 39 (2), pp. 497-525, 2021. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Industrial Espionage and Productivity
with Erik Meyersson.
American Economic Review, Vol. 110 (4), pp. 1055-1103, 2020. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Coworker Networks in the Labour Market
Labour Economics, Vol. 44, pp. 218-230, 2017. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Referral-based Job Search Networks
with Christian Dustmann, Uta Schönberg and Herbert Brücker.
Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 83 (2), pp. 514-546, 2016. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

How Do Industries and Firms Respond to Changes in Local Labor Supply?
with Christian Dustmann.
Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 33 (3), pp. 711-750, 2015. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Immigration in Europe: Trends, Policies and Empirical Evidence
with Sara de la Rica and Francesc Ortega.
In Handbook of the Economics of International Migration, Vol. 1B, Chapter 24, pp. 1303-1362, 2015. [ abstract ] [ paper ]
Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller (Eds.), North-Holland.

Ethnic Segregation in Germany
Labour Economics, Vol. 29, pp. 28-40, 2014. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

The Labor Market Impact of Immigration: A Quasi-Experiment Exploiting Immigrant Location Rules in Germany
Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30 (1), pp. 175-213, 2012. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Migration and Education
with Christian Dustmann.
In Handbook of the Economics of Education , Vol. 4, Chapter 4, pp. 327-439, 2011. [ abstract ] [ paper ]
Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin, and Ludger Woessmann (Eds.), North-Holland.

The Economic Situation of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in France, Germany, and the UK
with Yann Algan, Christian Dustmann, and Alan Manning.
The Economic Journal, Vol. 120 (542), pp. F4-F30, 2010. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Employment, Wages, and the Economic Cycle: Differences between Immigrants and Natives
with Christian Dustmann and Thorsten Vogel.
European Economic Review, Vol. 54 (1), pp. 1-17, 2010. [abstract ] [ paper ]

The Labour Market Impact of Immigration
with Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 24 (3), pp. 478-495, 2008. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

Other Publications

Integration von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Deutschland: Anerkennung ausländischer Berufsabschlüsse hat positive Arbeitsmarkteffekte
with Herbert Brücker, Adrian Lerche and Agnese Romiti.
IAB-Kurzbericht, 02/2021. [ paper ]

The Role of Coworker-based Networks in the Labour Market
CESifo DICE Report 1/2015. [ paper ]

Immigration in Spain: What Have We Learned from Recent Evidence?
with Sara de la Rica and Francesc Ortega.
Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, Vol. 87, pp. 9-28, 2014. [ abstract ] [ paper ]

The Labour Market Impact of Immigration
Opuscles del CREI, No. 36, 2014. [ paper ]

Ju Ju